October 2022

11 October 2022 232 view(s)
October 2022

The Teacher Toolkit Guide to Memory

Teacher Toolkit Guides transform the theory of education into practical ideas for your classroom.
From Ross Morrison McGill, bestselling author of Mark. Plan. Teach. 2.0, this book unpicks the research behind how learners retain and recall information. It provides evidence-based strategies for improving memory in the classroom.

Test of Nonverbal Intelligence, Fourth Edition

The Test of Nonverbal Intelligence- Fourth Edition is a practical, easy-to-use, norm-referenced instrument that measures an individual's intelligence. The administration and response format are pragmatic with simple oral instructions, requiring test takers to answer only with simple but meaningful gestures such as pointing, nodding, or blinking. This test is ideal for those who have language, hearing, or motor impairments. Data was collected from a normative sample of 2,272 people.

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