7 December 2022
197 view(s)
Please note that our last delivery day before Xmas is 23rd December. Deliveries will resume on 28th to 30th December
There will be no deliveries on 2nd January
If you would like your order to be delayed until after your organisation's return please email us with the date you are open from and your order number?
'SASC has received a number of responses regarding the recent announcement about the SDMT. We appreciate that assessors may need more time to adapt and update their practices, so we have therefore decided to extend the deadline for ceasing to use the SDMT to 30th April 2023. This will give assessors 6 months from the initial announcement to update their test batteries accordingly where required.'
'After 30th April 2023 the SDMT should be used for qualitative purposes only for carrying out a diagnostic assessment.'