September 2022

4 August 2022 214 view(s)
September 2022

SEQUO Times Table Card Game now in stock. A lively Maths card game for all ages to teach and reinforce your times tables. Have fun learning the sequences and try to beat your partner! A pocket-sized, adaptable game for all learning levels from 6 years

GDPR requirement: In order to purchase the Woodcock Johnson lV and LUCID products a GDPR form must be completed by the customer when ordering, due to the nature of how the tests are scored. Please follow the link from the product page to do so online which will make the process quicker?



Due to changes in security authorisations for card payments we are occasionally getting orders marked on the Shop website as 'Payment Pending' when the person authorising a payment by app or text is not able to complete the order. If this happens to your order then you can either place a new order or we can take card payment by telephone at the shop; 01784 222339. Once paid we can immediately switch the order to processing.


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