4 December 2023
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Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales, Second Edition (RIAS-2)
The RIAS 2 has now been approved for use by SASC. Please go the SASC website for further details.

January 2024 Term Orders
With the Christmas holiday approaching now is a good time to assess what tests and supplementary items you will need in January.
Please place your orders now so we can fulfill them and your items can be delivered and ready for you to use In January

XMAS Holidays Deliveries
If you are placing orders before Xmas and your school may be closed when the delivery is due then please email us
and we can delay your delivery until you re-open.

Developmental Test of Visual Perception–Adolescent and Adult: Second Edition
The DTVP-A:2 was designed to measure visual perception and visual-motor abilities in individuals ages 11 through 79. The DTVP-A:2 provides practitioners with valid and reliable scores that measure adolescent and adult strengths and weaknesses in important areas of visual perception.
FRTVMI- Product Range, Full Range Test of Visual Motor Integration
The FRTVMI- Product Range, Full Range Test of Visual Motor Integration is a highly reliable, valid measure of visual-motor integration skills that not only covers the full range of school ages but, unlike most other tests of VMI, includes norms appropriate for special education students in the 19-21 year age range.