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Access Arrangements
Access Arrangements and the completion of Form 8s is an essential skill for schools to master. This is so they can ensure their students get the required level of support in their exams. The Dyslexia Action Shop sell all of the necessary materials for your Access Arrangements Assessor/Specialist Teacher to be able to assess ahead of next years exams and for meeting the February deadline when forms must be submitted.
Real Training, part of Real Group Ltd offer training for Access Arrangements Assessors at Level 7 with the Certificate in Psychometric Testing, Assessment and Access Arrangements (CPT3A). Importantly, this enables them to implement the latest Joint Council for Qualifications‘ (JCQ) regulations and guidance to confidently apply the regulations in your setting. Also, providing the opportunity to gain the British Psychological Society’s (BPS’s) Test User Educational qualification and join the BPS’s Register of Qualifications in Test Use (RQTU).
TOWRE 2 - Test of Word Reading Efficiency, Second Edition - Product RangeSKU: TOWRE2-G
Starting at £40.80 £34.00
WIAT-III-UK-T - Wechsler Individual Achievement Test – Third UK Edition for Teachers, Product RangeSKU: WIAT3T-G
Starting at £97.08 £80.90
CTOPP2 - Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing, Second Edition, Product RangeSKU: CTOPP2-G
Starting at £98.40 £82.00
SPARCS - Spelling, Processing speed, and Reading Comprehension Speed, Product RangeSKU: SPARCS-G
Starting at £138.00 £115.00
KTEA-3 - Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement, Third Edition, Product RangeSKU: KTEA3-G
Starting at £24.00 £20.00